SCIENCE! Turns out that galactic distribution isn't uniform. It is, to use the scientific term, clumpy. We have a new map of some local clusters:

Looks like a walking lizard dude. The point to the mapping?

I don't mean to be unduly skeptical, especially since I know nothing of quantum fluctuations, but I'm always suspicious of things that confirm expectations raised by a prevailing theory. I mean, they talk about Dark Matter's distribution as if they've found it. Its existence is inferred from other conditions. It has to be there, because - because - well, it has to be. Oh, and there's two kinds of Dark Matter, because there has to be in order for this theory to be correct or this observation to line up with what we know. And one of those kinds of Dark Matter has two types, hot and cold. Or fast and slow, if you like. A third type? Well, we'll see. I'm not saying the theory is wrong. Just doubtful we have it figured out now. Later, sure. It'll turn out we were on the right path, but thought we were heading somewhere else. Meanwhile, in our own neighborhood:

So it's a dwarf planet now? Wouldn't that make it a planet? You really sense they're regretting that demotion, and trying to get it back into the club. Then the article notes something else with blithe unconcern:

LURKING PLUTONIAN SPIDERS. I'd say RUN! but they're probably no threat, unless they hijack the probe and turn it back towards Earth. An explanation is here.

VotD In retrospect, he probably wishes he'd agreed with whatever she said.

LUNCHTIME TIMEWASTER One of those minimalist posters, or a screengrab from an Atari game?

It's "The Shining," in Atari form. You'll want headphones, or the person in the next cubicle will throw something at you in the first 40 seconds. (via AV Club.)